Sunday, April 28, 2019

It was a whirlwind kind of week:)

Hi all:)

My friend Rosemary and I left Monday morning at 10 am heading to Mineola for a class. We meandered our way along and stopped to eat and visit a few antique shops. Then we were in Mineola and stopped at Stitchin Heaven to get the info we needed for the next day. We did get a bit of stash enhancement done while there. When our teacher... Bonnie Hunter... came in:) YEA!!!! Then dinner and hotel check in. Tuesday class started at 9 and we were ready to get started!!! The class was Pfeffernusse. I had never been to a class by a famous teacher so was in awe at how organized it all was! Bonnie is a true quilters friend in the way she shares and teaches!!! We worked on strip piecing in the morning and then half square triangles in the afternoon and most of us left with 1 completed block:) The camaraderie was outstanding! We were sharing fabric, tools, stories and at the end of class hugs and emails:) Here is a link so you can see a video of all of us.. Rosemary was in the black gingham shirt and you can see part of me behind her and my block:)

Me and Rosemary:)

My stash enhancement:) The fabric in the back was on sale and will be the backing for the Pfeffernusse quilt:) Big dreams it will quickly be finished:)

My finished block.

My autographed block... will either put in quilt or on the back.

Bonnie and me:)

So more shopping after class and a great burger! Then back to hotel for the night.
Of course we were expecting rain on our way home but dang it was a lot of rain! We did stop at the Athens quilt shop Needle Niche:) Got there right when it opened:) Then headed on...rain, rain, and more rain:( Once we got Waco we stopped for lunch and of course PHD quilt shop:) You can never have enough fabric and we needed to stretch our legs:)

Then on to Temple where Rosemary lives. Unloaded her car and loaded mine. Then I waited about an hour and finally decided it was clear enough to drive home. Well it was good for a bit but then as I was leaving Belton I was driving 40 on the highway... couldn't see anything! SO glad everyone else was as slow as I was! Finally made it home and unloaded the car and plopped in the chair! The rain gauge said 4 inches... wow!

Thursday was catch up on everything and get groceries:)  And I got the quartz ordered for the island. They will be here on Tuesday to measure for the template. Electrician will be here the 13th and everything can be done before he does his work and hopefully it will be:) Friday was a headache rest day:)

Then yesterday we left at 10 and headed to San Antonio for Hayden's last dance competition. Stopped in Marble Falls at Inman BBQ for some turkey sausage and then back on the road. When we got to Freeman Coliseum we pulled out the sausage and some bread from the cooler and had lunch:)
Girls did great! 2 firsts and a first and third overall:) YEA!!!! That was the last competition. Just a recital to go in June.
Then we headed on home... stopped at Bluebonnet Cafe for dinner and took home 2 slices of pie:)

Waiting to perform... Hayden in on the right.

Paw Paw and Hayden afterwards.

Today we had that lovely chocolate meringue for breakfast and when the sugar kicked in we headed out to cut limbs. One in particular has been rubbing/banging against the edge of the roof of the studio and tearing up some of the shingles. It is now gone:) So while we were at it we trimmed them all:) Looks great now! Neither of us will prob be able to move tomorrow:) LOL!!!

What a mess!

Hubby on roof.

I love power tools:) LOL!!!

Esp the electric kind... I can never get them started with that darn pull cord!

So no quilting all week:( But there is next week:)

Hope everyone has a great week !!!

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 Hi All,  A very busy week and another is heading my way! Lots of quilting got done and lots of errands and gatherings next week:) This is m...