Sunday, April 14, 2019

Spring Storms have sprung up

As usual Texas gets a few storms that come through and tornadoes are created. Fortunately for us we only got 1/2" rain and 23 MPH winds yesterday.  And those winds stayed at that strength:( No letting up:( Picked up a bunch of branches this morning.

So last week for an $ week.... we pu the special order cabinet and the other cabinet for our island. And since our dryer took 4x to dry the laundry last weekend we also bought a new washer and dryer... they will be delivered Monday.

I also had Bee on Friday and got a few more trees made for my Jen Kingwell quilt.

Yesterday we pretty much vegged out... rain, cold and super windy. But we had concert tickets to see Josh Baldwin and For King and Country at the Bell County we did go there but the wind was horrible!!!! The concert however was awesome!!!! Sadly the expo was only almost half full:( Guess they won't be coming back and performing here again:( They actually had curtains partitioning half of the area off.

I did get quilting done:

Sandy's Grandmother made this quilt and it was never quilted so she entrusted me with it:)

Just stippling, 8's, and some veins in the leaves.

She loved it and so do I:)

Cam made another sorority quilt but this time for herself!

Lots of empty space so added a large feather across the bottom of the monogram.

Turned out really nice!

Here is the latest update on my LaPassion quilt.

Closeup so you can see how little each hexie actually is.

And yes all hand done:) 
The papers will stay in until it gets a bit bigger and then they will just pop out.

Another busy week coming up:)
Hope you all get some sewing done:)

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 Hi All,  A very busy week and another is heading my way! Lots of quilting got done and lots of errands and gatherings next week:) This is m...