Sunday, June 21, 2020

Signs of Summer

Hi All, 

It has felt like summer had arrived but then we got rain and it's back to Spring. We have rain chances most of the week and that should keep the temps lower:) YEA!!!

Rough week this week:( My daughter had to have surgery and she has been on blood thinners for about 5+ years so I had huge concerns of a clot forming when she was off them for the surgery. The surgery was Friday and she is good just sore:) YEA! Am So thankful!

I got a few things quilted this week:) Had to put a few calls/texts/emails out for more work:) I am happy I have a list:) It is the shortest it has been in a few years but I am okay with it as I am planning on slowing down after Christmas and then hopefully closing in June...will have to see about that still:)

First is a quick wool project I made:)

Love the backing fabric I had in my stash!

Margaret's friend made this and wanted it quilted for another friend.

So feathers galore:)

I also did the bead board on the border... I think it's one of my favorites to do!

Mary W made her second butterfly quilt.

I quilted it a bit different then the last one.
More bead board on the diagonal and straight lines in the border.
And the butterflies have matching antennas.

You can see the quilting on the backing.

My birdbath got a fountain:) LOL! Not sure the birds like it though:(

Tuesday we went to Pat's house in the 56 so our friends Linda and Terri could take a ride. They were both visiting. Then we ate cake... yummy!.. and played Quiddler. SO much fun!!!

I got my massage on is all I can say! Love her!!!
When I got home there was an early surprise bday party for me:) LOL! Son, DIL, 
and the grand daughters:) What fun!!!

So my Bday is Tuesday and I was thinking of going to Waco but they are back to mandating masks and I am SO over that so we will prob just stay home and eat cake:) I made a delicious Skinny Cherry DP chocolate cake...WOW! is all I can say. SO SO good!!! In fact am gonna head in and have a piece to celebrate Fathers Day:) Any excuse to eat cake!

Should be a quiet week with just quilting and cake planned so far:) LOL!
Hope you have an awesome week!!! 
Sending everyone a great big hug!

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 Hi All,  A very busy week and another is heading my way! Lots of quilting got done and lots of errands and gatherings next week:) This is m...