Sorry I missed my normal blog day... family:)
My daughter flew in Saturday night and my son and his family came over on Sunday. We baked lots of cookies with the girls:) What fun we had!!! Yesterday daughter wanted to go antiquing so we headed to Antique Mall in Round Rock and then Half Price Books:) Today a little quieter... just some sewing and they went to visit MIL. She then has a friend she will be with for dinner and friendship:) Tomorrow she goes to my parents house and on Thursday another day with my son and one of his daughters:) Then Friday at 5am she leaves:( Will miss her!!! SO glad she was able to come down from Ohio:)
Also on Friday the counter top guys will be here to make a template:) YEA!!!!!
So I did get the last quilt finished and some handwork:)
So I finished the last 3 Spargo birds:)
This is Pam's quilt she made for herself. We need to do that every once in awhile:)
Love the poppies and it was a large queen so pretty big!
Hard to see the quilting but turned out really pretty! I still have a pillow runner to quilt but that will wait till next year:)
Here are all the birds on the design wall... need to sew them all together and then figure out the border.
Well this is the last post of 2018. I will be quilting my Millie most of the time I am closed so I can put her in our local quilt show in July.
I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
See ya in 2019!