Sunday, August 25, 2019

Such a busy week!!!

Why are some weeks so loaded and others are not?  I had quilting to do, house inspection, eye appt, Guild mtg, massage, errands, clinic appt, realtor and contractors to deal with, and bee.
Most of it was good but then contractors and Drs never are!!!

Just heard from my Nolting gal and she will be here Tuesday to setup the computer for the quilter:) YEA!!! So there will be no quilting this week since it will be a different setup and I need to get somewhat comfortable with it:) I am getting excited!!!

So here are pictures of what I did get done:)
First up is Mary W's Butterfly quilt. A friend/neighbor gave her all the butterflies and she made this beautiful quilt. Love how modern fabrics were used as the backgrounds with the 30's butterflies:)

They were all hand embroidered down. I did cross hatching on the butterfly blocks and some echoing on the hexies.

You can see all my work on the beautiful backing fabric:)

Fran made this sweet quilt. No 2 blocks were the same:)

She just wanted loose feathers and anything else I wanted to do but not heavily quilted.
So in other words that means play:)

And play I did!

Sweet bird backing fabric!

I sewed all the blocks for 2 Project Linus quilts at Bee and they are now sewn together and I just need to add the border:) There will be pictures next time:)

Have to donate to the vampire club Monday...blood drawn. And another massage and hope to get a vet appt made. I was waiting for Missy to schedule setup so now I have work to do:)

Down to the appraisal and survey on MIL house. We still have a few items to repair but are waiting for appraisal to see if they are also going to require them. I tell ya we were just about to say forget it and keep the house last week! What stress!!!!

Have an awesome week and I will post computer pictures next week:) YEA!!!

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 Hi All,  A very busy week and another is heading my way! Lots of quilting got done and lots of errands and gatherings next week:) This is m...